Report: SASE 6-12 from AVANT

AVANT Research & Analytics has released the latest 6-12 Report, on SASE. 

Secure Access Service Edge (better known as “SASE,” and pronounced “sassy”) is widely viewed as a critical foundation to providing security in the rapidly expanding environment of cloud computing. SASE is a security model, typically cloud-based, which bundles software-defined networking with network security functions all delivered by a single provider. 

Advocates will note that SASE is also an important path towards improving application performance, but AVANT Research & Analytics has learned that the security component is pre-eminent. More than two-thirds of the respondents in our survey point to security as the main benefit of SASE. View the report to learn more about the SASE landscape and business drivers.

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SASE 6-12 Report Cover Image
Elizabeth Davis