
January 1, 2020

11 Tech Predictions for the 20's Including Flying Cars?

Happy New Year to you and welcome to the Roaring 20's (or whatever this decade will be called)!  As we enter the next decade, here are a few predictions for the coming year and the remainder of the decade:

  1. The migration to Microsoft Office 365 will continue to increase drastically with Microsoft Exchange 2010 going End of Life in October of 2020.
  2. Companies will continuously accommodate and promote work users to work from home causing a continued focus on unified communications.  As this occurs, you will see enterprises adopt cloud based phone systems (UCaaS) and contact centers (CCaaS) at a higher rate like the SMB's have already been doing.
  3. By 2030, only enterprise companies or those with very specific use cases will operate their own data center(s).  Cloud adoption will continue to increase and very few companies will have any servers or storage on premise by the end of the decade.
  4. In every technology, you will see the market leaders emerge and it will correlate to the amount of AI and Business Intelligence functionality of the product or service.
  5. With the expansion and improvement of 5G, there will be an increased focus on mobile security products.  Additionally, you will see a confusing connectivity landscape with many rural domestic and international locations due to the wide scope of connectivity and price points for connectivity.  For example, organizations in large cities will adopt only fiber and 5G in the early 2020's, whereas rural domestic and certain international areas are not capable of 4G or Fiber in 2020.
  6. The Cyber War will rage on and there will be a larger impacted event than ever before (election, etc.).  This will change organizations (all sizes) from the “We should do” to the “We must do” for cyber security.
  7. Secondary and Tertiary cities will continue to see an increase in technology startups as cost of living in the major cities continues to increase and the ability to work from anywhere increases.  
  8. Unfortunately, technology will begin (and continue) taking over many entry level positions with AI and Graphical User Interfaces and you will see higher unemployment rates than the previous decade.
  9. Technology will continue to create large disruptions in industries like real estate where many manual, time consuming processes still exist.
  10. Blockchain will actually be implemented mainstream and start easing the tracking for personal records, contracts, etc.
  11. Global warming will be a top priority for our politicians, companies and citizens and you will see technology companies leading the charge on adopting green policies along with the development of monumental changes to help reduce our carbon footprint.

Who knows, maybe by 2030 we will actually be driving flying cars?!?!  This is not an actual prediction, but you never know…

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