
July 29, 2019

Telecom Tip: Disable Auto Renewals

When you sign an agreement with a carrier for connectivity (Broadband, DSL, Fiber, etc.), you are agreeing up front to a defined term.

However, if you read the fine print, many times you are also signing up to have your account "Auto-Renewed" as well.   This can create a headache for you when it comes time to negotiate a better monthly rate, but the carrier you are using has already auto-renewed you for another term.  This leads to expensive termination fees or having to stick with a poor carrier for the remainder of the term.

What to do now?

Unless you love auto-renewal, call your carrier(s) immediately and ensure Auto-Renew is turned OFF on your account.  Following the call, we recommend sending an email as well so that there is a record of the request as well.

Other potential options?

If you have carrier bills that you feel are high or are super confusing to follow, let's talk about ways for you to negotiate these high bills down and potentially pay for your early termination fees if necessary.  On average, customers who have gone through a telecom expense audit program are saving 20%+ while getting the same or more bandwidth when it is all said and done.

Reach out to us today if we can help at

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